Veins LTE
Veins LTE is a simulator for heterogeneous vehicular networks.
It provides fine-grained simulation of vehicular networks based on IEEE 802.11p and TE.
Veins LTE was created by integrating three popular frameworks to build a complete simulation suite:

- Based on the OMNeT++ network simulator.
- Built upon the Veins simulator, which couples road traffic simulation with network simulation.
- Simulation of IEEE 802.11p and a simplified IEEE 1609.4 Mac layer.
- Simulation of the complete LTE stack, with a focus on the data plane.
- Evaluation of complex heterogeneous vehicular networking algorithms, based on real-world maps.
2016-10-11 | Official Veins LTE website online. |
2016-09-30 | Veins LTE 1.3 released, grab it here. |
Download & Code
Download Veins LTE 1.3
If you want to install Veins LTE, instructions can be found on installation instructions.
If you want to clone the repository, you can find the necessary information at GitHub.
If you find any bugs, please open a new issue on GitHub.
If you are using Veins LTE in your publication, we would appreciate a citation of our work:
Florian Hagenauer, Falko Dressler and Christoph Sommer, "A Simulator for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks," Proceedings of 6th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2014), Poster Session, Paderborn, Germany, December 2014, pp. 185-186.
Depending on your question, please refer to:
- If you have a question about SUMO, write a question to the sumo-user mailing list.
- For questions about OMNeT++, Veins, and Veins LTE, please check the stackoverflow omnet++ and veins tags. If your question has not been answered,you can add a new one. Please make sure to tag it with omnet++ and veins.
- For any bug reports, please open a new issue on GitHub.
- For any other inquiries, you can find my contact information here.